Hello CASE Members,
It has certainly been a news-filled week. CASE would like to thank Dr. Williams for his service to Baltimore County. We wish him well as he prepares to start a new chapter. Business is as usual, and I will continue to meet weekly with the Chief of Staff to address issues important to CASE. We should expect the board to approve a contract to do a search. There are lots of rumors out there. Try not to engage. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any information about next steps or if anything is changing.
I am working with BCPS to ensure the compensation package announced in September is implemented fairly among our members. There are a few points where we disagree, and I have proposed solutions and submitted one grievance in an area where we could not reach agreement.
The superintendent has presented his proposed budget to the board. It contained a step increase, but it did not contain a COLA. We will continue to negotiate on this matter.
I met with a group of secondary administrators to discuss hot topics. I presented these topics to the Chief of Staff during my last two meetings with her.
We are in the process of updating the CASE website.
Quote for January:
Best regards,
- Spoke at BOE meeting
- Reopening Plan Stakeholder meeting
- Strategic Planning with the 5 Unions
- PAR for Administrators
- Weekly Discussions with the Chief of Staff
- Monthly Meeting with Superintendent
- Monthly Meeting with Union Presidents and Superintendent
- Discussion on Lead Teacher and Administrator Roles for Summer
- Discuss Grievance with CASE Lawyer and Identify Relevant Legal Precedent
- TABCO – Teacher Transfer Process
- VALIC/AIG changed to Corebridge Financial – Asked to Present at Our Next Meeting (Not the correct forum)
- MSDE Reporting Requirements – Food Services
Member Support Topics
- Implementation of Compensation Package
- Salary Scale
- Rules/Timeline for Teachers Calling Out Sick
- Changes to APPD Dates
- Teacher Administrator Mediation
- Inappropriate Behavior of Special Education Advocate
- Associate Principal Internship Substitutes