Billy Burke
William Burke brings 30 years of experience in education to his role as Executive Director for CASE: first as a teacher, then as an administrator, as executive director of professional learning, and finally as the assistant superintendent and chief of organizational effectiveness. Billy has extensive experience in strategic planning and professional development design and implementation for large system and largescale initiatives. The foundation of his development and implementation work combines leadership development, antiracism, equitable access and learner variability aligned to data-driven outcomes, effective fiscal management, policy development, professional learning, stakeholder input, workgroup development and management, project design, development and management, and effective instructional design, implementation and assessment. Billy is thrilled to continue his work in education by supporting the administrators and supervisors of Baltimore County Public Schools.

Tom Dolina
For over ten years Tom has meticulously represented the interest of nearly 1000 professionals of our public education system. He is a critical component in the success of the unit, serving as the attorney for all matters relating to salary, wages, hours, and working conditions. Tom’s years of experience added to his intuitive understanding of the idiosyncrasies of a very distinct milieu continue to be the impetus behind positive changes on a state and local level. Not only does Tom serve in a professional capacity but volunteers many hours each year in service to the Executive Board. We depend on his quick mind and inexhaustible knowledge to influence and inspire positive results.

Lori Phelps
Lori has been a BCPS Administrator since 2007, serving in 3 different schools in both the East and West side of the County. Lori is a career changer and began her professional life as a lawyer. While continuing to maintain her license to practice law, Lori earned a Master’s in Teaching from Johns Hopkins University through an Alternative Certification program and began her education career as a social studies teacher in Baltimore City and at Woodlawn High School. Lori has been the Principal at Woodbridge Elementary since 2014.

Maureen Astarita
Maureen has been an educator in BCPS for over 17 years. After returning to her alma mater, Patapsco High School in 2000, she served as a teacher, coach, and department chair. In 2011, she joined the administrative team and CASE. Maureen served at Perry Hall and has been Principal of Parkville High since 2015.

Daniel Pizzo
In 2010, while working within the Department of Research, Accountability and Assessment, Daniel joined CASE. Since this time, he has acted as an assistant principal within 2 county schools which he continues to do to this day. Daniel has worked in schools throughout the county, including in the southeast, central and Hereford Zone. During his time in BCPS Daniel has served as a 4th/5th grade classroom teacher, resource teacher, technology integration teacher, assessment specialist, and assessment resource teacher. He is currently in his 4th year as the Assistant Principal at Padonia International Elementary School. Last year Daniel acted on the CASE negotiations committee, and looks forward to an expanded role on the Executive Board.

Kalisha Miller
Kalisha joined BCPS in 2000 and became principal of Pikesville Middle in July 2016. She has also served BCPS as a special education teacher (at Sudbrook Magnet Middle and Deer Park Middle Magnet), special education department chair (Deer Park Middle Magnet), assistant principal (Dundalk High), and director of special education. She also worked at the Maryland State Department of Education for five years as a student achievement and support specialist in the Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Services. Mrs. Miller was a finalist in 2020 for BCPS Principal of the Year.
Currently pursuing a doctorate in administration and leadership at Walden University, Kalisha has earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from North Carolina A&T State University and a master’s degree in special education from Coppin State University.

Alice Devaney-Curtis
Alice has been with Baltimore County Public schools for over 20 years as a Nationally Certified Counselor serving in various school counseling roles including Counseling Department Chair at Owings Mills High and Pine Grove Middle Schools. Alice has worked in all areas of the county throughout her career in education and now serves in the roll of Pupil Personnel worker in the Southwest area. Alice is passionate about supporting students and families to remove barriers to education and working with school staff to create safe and collaborative school communities. Alice looks forward to advocating for and supporting CASE members.

Justin O’Brien
Justin O’Brien joined Team BCPS as Supervisor of Physical Education in 2016 after teaching Physical Education in Howard County for 15 years. He earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sport Management from West Virginia University and worked in college athletics before receiving his teaching certification from Towson University. Justin received a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology from Loyola University Maryland and an Administration and Supervision Certification from McDaniel College. From 2003-2011, Justin’s Physical Education program was recognized as a Maryland State Physical Education Demonstration School. Justin currently serves as the Coordinator of Health and Physical Education. He is looking forward to serving CASE and providing a voice for the members from Curriculum and Instruction.