Comments to the Board Jun 2023

June 13, 2023

Good evening, Chairwoman Mrs. Lichter, Vice Chairwoman Mrs. Harvey, Superintendent Dr. Williams, and members of the board.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you on behalf of CASE.

I’d like to take a moment and celebrate the members of CASE. You have led schools, families, and students through another challenging and successful year. It is time to rest, rejuvenate, and find what inspires you. Summer school and the start of the new school year will be here before you know it.

Dr. Williams, on behalf of CASE, thank you for your service to Baltimore County.

Dr. Yarbrough, congratulations on your appointment. CASE looks forward to continuing meaningful collaboration.

As we move forward I would like to make the following recommendations.


As MOUs are created with each of the 5 bargaining units, each bargaining unit should review the MOU for impact to its members. MOUs should remain in draft form until a collaboratively designed implementation plan is in place that focuses on the unit that must implement the decision. A work group of end users must provide feedback on the decision before the MOU goes into effect. This process would ensure balance when attempting to improve working conditions.

Budget Process

My second recommendation is aligned to the budget process. This year to balance the budget a number of positions needed to be eliminated. CASE would recommend that the actual positions be listed and the people in the positions be notified as the budget is introduced. This would give the employees time to be placed in parallel positions when available as indicated in the Master Agreements or change their declarations of intent and/or look for another position within BCPS during the priority transfer process. It is hard to tell staff their position is eliminated. I get it. We hope that things will change, and they can stay. But we need to avoid delaying telling people their position is eliminated to give them maximum opportunity.

Leadership Programs

Finally, CASE is recommending that BCPS continue to improve its grow-your-own leadership programs. There is so much talent, years of experience, and dedication to BCPS within the organization. Let’s capitalize on that commitment.

I’d like to end by thanking the board and BCPS leadership for securing the step increase and COLA during negotiations. It is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak on behalf of CASE.

—Billy Burke, Executive Director